Books by Löwenzahn Verlag
Self-sufficiency in garden & kitchen
Löwenzahn want to break the mould, transforming dreary grey into lively green and going their own way in the process. These books aim to help people regain control of what lands on their plates. Best for people and the environment - whether permaculture, beneficial insect gardens, climate protection or the natural preservation of food, with the books from Löwenzahn-Verlag you can do something really good for both yourself and nature.
Löwenzahn Verlag: 19 items
Löwenzahn Verlag Das Arche Noah Gartenjahr
- 365 pages for notes
- Beautifully illustrated
- High-quality equipment
Löwenzahn Verlag Das sensationelle Winterhochbeet
- With 7 themed raised beds
- Step-by-step instructions in German
- Extent: 120 pages
Löwenzahn Verlag Das unglaubliche Hochbeet
- Spiegel bestseller
- 120 pages
- In German
Löwenzahn Verlag Wo die wilden Nützlinge wohnen
- Valuable tips & tricks
- 320 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag Dein fantastischer Balkongarten
- With 7 different themed balconies
- Easy to understand instructions (in German)
- Extent: 168 pages
Löwenzahn Verlag Wie du dein eigenes Saatgut gewinnst
- Book in German
- Tips & tricks for seed propagation
- 50 detailed plant portraits
Löwenzahn Verlag Schnecken
- Organic slug prevention
- Lots of great tips
- 128 pages in German
Löwenzahn Verlag "Selbstversorgung im Winter" Self-Sufficiency in Winter
- Language: German
- For indoors & outdoors
- 200 pages
Löwenzahn Verlag Praxishandbuch natürlich Konservieren
- With over 200 recipes
- All methods of stockpiling
- 336 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag Ernte mich im Winter
- Harvest tips for veggies that grow from November to March
- 176 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag Handbuch Samengärtnerei
- Basic knowledge
- Practical tips
- 424 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag Das große Biogarten-Buch
- For country and city gardens
- 624 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag Pilzgeflüster
- Innovative growing tips
- Recipes
- 168 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag Wie wir leben könnten
- In German
- Climate-neutral production
- 264 pages
Löwenzahn Verlag Handbuch Bio-Obst
- Detailed instructions
- 528 pages (in German)
Löwenzahn Verlag Bio-Gemüse erfolgreich direktvermarkten
- In German
- For economically profitable work
- From sowing to marketing
Löwenzahn Verlag Fermentieren
- Basic knowledge
- 140 delicious recipes
- 376 pages (in German)
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